
Summertime is such great fun
It should be free to everyone.
No one should have to pay a fee
To catch a fish or climb a tree.

Cooling plunge in swimming hole
Peaceful bliss of evening stroll
An icy drink to beat the heat
Fresh blackberries, peaches sweet!

Watching fireflies at night
Should only cost a few bug bites.
Evening scent of new mown hay
Porch swing rest at close of day.

Dusky sound of katydids
Happy shouts of playing kids
Seems to me would be alright
To stay outside and play all night!

Soft green grass in which to run
Sun's farewell when day is done.
Who's to say what one should pay
For crystal clear skied sunny days?

Oh, summertime so very nice
Without a doubt, It's worth the price!
But if it were left up to me
Summertimes would all be free!

by Yvonne Golden