Pains and Aches

There was this sharp pain in my back
When I awoke today.
Could be my mattress breaking down
I once heard someone say.

Could be that bowl of bread and milk 
I ate before bedtime
That caused this splitting bad headache
But I've never had this kind.

Someone said, who I'm not certain,
Not so very long ago
That yellow mustard was a sure cure
For this cramp in my big toe.

Now, this thumb upon my right hand
What is wrong I'd like to know
It pops every time I move it
Man, Oh Man, it hurts me so!

That's why my writing is so messy,
I can't open up a jar.
May need some help to dress me 
Down the road not very far.

Achy bones are old and creaky
I prefer a seat that's soft.
Now I have to change my undies
Every time I sneeze or cough.

I am, oh so full of wisdom
(Which no one appreciates).
Ner'theless, I'd gladly share it
Could I shake these pains and aches!

                                             by Yvonne Golden